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Affected by multiple Sclerosis, mother of two children and grandmother of two grandchildren

Married for 34 years, mother of two children and grandmother of two grandchildren, Johanne Landry has been in a wheelchair for 17 years because of multiple sclerosis. Keeogo has enabled her to regain her life and gave hope to her entire family.

Johanne, an inspiring and devoted woman, was able to surpass herself when she realized the potential that Keeogo represented for her and her loved ones. Her story began when her son told her about the device he had seen in a television report. At that moment, all this seemed almost unreal and she was not really convinced of its usefulness. It was only after nine months that she decided to test the device, and then everything changed. Keeogo has literally enabled her to regain her life and gave hope to her entire family, since life has not always been easy for them.


Johanne wanted to do everything she could to get Keeogo and use it in her daily life. At the beginning, her goals were to be able to walk again, to be autonomous, to be able to dance again with her husband and to enjoy the moments of life with her friends and her family. To do this, her son has created a socio-financing website for her and even organized a fundraising event to collect funds for the acquisition of the device.


For her, there was no price to regain her autonomy. As she said, “It doesn’t get any better in life.” Being a positive and motivated and woman appreciated by her loved ones, she has managed to surround herself with key people to achieve her goals. Moreover, Mr. Gilbert Chouinard, co-owner of the IGA Chouinard & Fils Inc., has agreed to support her by becoming the honorary president of her fundraising. When he saw her standing for the first time, he was immediately convinced to support her cause.


Being a woman who cares not only for her well-being but also for the well-being of others, Johanne’s goal is to do more activities and promote Keeogo. In particular, she wants the government to recognize Keeogo for reimbursement by the Régime d’assurance maladie du Québec, and to benefit all those who need it. That is what motivates her to get involved. According to her, Keeogo is miraculous and it help her undertake her activities that were previously limited by the disease.

Keeogo has literally enabled her to regain her life and gave hope to her entire family.

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